
Friday, October 7, 2011

Special Shape Balloons - last day

I got up at 4:30am to get ready to head out with Susan to the Balloon Fiesta. The Special Shape event was scheduled Thursday morning. I picked a flight that left at 11:25am on purpose so I could see this before I had to leave.
We got right there with no traffic problems at all. It was still pitch dark but 100's of people were there already milling about, drinking coffee, eating & finding a place in the field to camp out & wait for the balloons to go up. It was a little windy so I was nervous. I hope they wouldn't cancel it!
Susan & I got some chai & chatted for a while. Luckily it was a go BUT the balloons were tethered-not flying. I was ok with that! I was just so happy to see them! Just like on Sunday, it was such a thrill to see an entire field of hot air balloons being blown up! All different, wacky shapes! We walked around for a good hour taking pictures. There were things like a panda, cow, pig, beer bottle, mushroom, pirate, owl, jester, sun-all kinds of stuff!!
Then it started to get more windy & the announcer came on & said they were taking them down. So all the balloons started to deflate so quickly! I'm glad I got to see as much as I did though. It was fabulous! Especially to see them all up close since they were tethered.
I got to go back to the arts & crafts tent & blew some more money on things I had my eye on the other day. It might have been a good thing I was leaving today so I woulnd't spend any more money!haha

So by 9:30am, we were off to the airport. The week went by incredibly fast! I can't believe it was time to go home already. I had such a good time with Susan & George. I really appreciate their hospitality while I was there with them. It was awesome meeting Leo (their new Berner) too! He's such a cutie pie, I love to love him!
I love New Mexico & the atmosphere there. It's a great place to visit & I hope to be back soon! Maybe for a Pow Wow next~
Thank you Susan & George for an awesome trip!!

Peacocks, Coyotes & Tarantulas- OH MY!

Wednesday Susan & Tina went to their Garden Club meeting so George took me on another joy ride on the Turquoise Trail. We drove north towards Santa Fe then hung a right & drove behind the mountain through the desert area. It was beautiful!
We had brunch at the San Marcos cafe, a quaint little place that had peacocks running around outside & a pen with chickens, pigeons & geese. My eggs benedict was awesome! We walked around after we ate to get pics of the peacocks-my favorite! They didn't have nice tail feathers though at this time of year. They still looked amazing though!
We continued on to the town of Madrid next (that's MA-drid, not like the one in Spain) where the film Wild Hogs was shot at Maggie's Diner. It was a tiny little town with gift shops. Believe it or not, I didn't buy anything! It was a neat place to walk around. I found some things to keep in mind for the next time I may be out there.
George was a great tour guide telling me all about the land just like he did on our trip through the Jemez reservation/pueblo. As we're driving along, I spot something crawling across the road...a tarantula!!!! A real, live tarantula! He swerved to miss it as I was freaking out in excitement since I've never seen one in real life before. I remember petting one when I was a kid but that was through a zoo or something like that of course. Not a minute or 2 later, we see another one! George steps on the brakes, pulls off on the shoulder, puts it in reverse & backs up down the shoulder for me to get out & take pictures! I was SOOO excited! It was like my own New Mexico safari. Ü George starts poking at it with a stick to get it to rear up on its hindlegs. Then it started to take off after us! AGH! I ran. That sucker was pretty fast.
Then we stopped at a trading post that George & Susan have been going to for 40 years. He said it's never changed in all that time. It's the greatest, cheapest place to go for jewelry & other Native American stuff. He introduced me to the owners who were very nice. I got a turquoise wrap bracelet & nice earrings for $30.

When we got back to the house, Tina's husband Tom, arrived. We had some time to chat before we all went out to eat at Blaze. Tom & Tina are going to Paris soon so we got to talk about that & other travel stories. I had a bit of time to catch up on some reading too which was nice. I heard some coyotes near the house screeching & barking. I heard them too the other day in the middle of the night. Good grief! They are noisy things. I wish I would have seen them though. That would be cool.

I realized that this was the first day that I felt fine! No headache or neck tension. Maybe it was altitude sickness affecting me. Now just when I'm getting used to it, I have to leave. :(

We met up with more friends at Blaze- Jerry & Sharon. We all had a great time chatting & eating. It was a super nice restaurant & cozy atmosphere. I had some terrific trout & caprese salad. Susan & George are social butterflies with great friends!

My last day was great. Time to pack-BOOHOO!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spike & Paco

Tuesday I spent the day with Susan in Old Town Albuquerque. They took me there 5 years ago but we didn't have much time. It's a huge town square filled with all kinds of unique gift shops & restaurants with a 300 year old church in the center square.
They had a lot of balloon fiesta merchandise for all the tourists. It was fun to look at! I got some cute socks, a tree ornament & postcards. At a finer gift shop, I saw the Jon Anderson fimo clay animals that I fell in love with last time I was out. I regretted not buying one! There was a horned toad figure that I loved cuz I saw one here & it looked so cool made out of the fimo clay with all these intricate designs in it. So there they are-ok, now I have to get one. 5 years ago I thought they were outstanding, didn't get one & couldn't stop thinking about it since. The small ones were $95 & they had 1 big one (looked actual size) for $195. Of course the big one looked WAY better, more colorful & fancier. The salesguy was super nice.Pretty cute too. He gave me a magnifying glass to look at them & left me alone to make my decision. I know it's a lot, but I had to get the big one. It was SO much nicer & I don't really have any kind of "good" art (except for the katchina print I got Monday!). So I said I'll take the big one. Cute guy wrapped him up in cool box with the artist's info card. YAY!
Susan & I have lunch at a very nice place in the square. I ordered a strawberry & orange salad with goat cheese & almonds. Not exactly Mexican food but we just had that last night. I think I'll have to replicate this dish at home-YUM!
I took the box out to show her my treasure. She picks it up out of the box & the one leg was loose. Oh no! She set it on the table & it fell right off!! EGADS! She said we'll go back to the shop, it looked like it could easily be glued back on. Maybe I could get something knocked off the price.

So we headed back to the shop. Cute guy had a very cute son to which I said, "Is there a doctor in the house?" We explanined what happened & they were all mortified. This never happened before. They actually tried calling the artist, Jon Anderson, who lives in BALI to see what they could do. I'm not sure if they got a hold of him but they agreed to try super glue. The wife shop owner came over & said, "If they fix it & you like it, we'll throw in a baby for you. If you don't like it, we'll give you a refund or have Jon send you a new one". Holy crap! A free baby? Susan & I gave each other a wide-eyed look like, hell yea!
They fix Spike for me & hand him over with a magnifying glass for me to approve. I pretend to be all picky & give them a "yes, it's acceptable". She tells me to pick out a baby horned toad. EEEEE!!!
They wrap everything up & we learn that the cute guy husband is the artist of the cool copper & brass art that Susan & George have on the dining room wall. We laugh, shake hands, I take his picture, thank them profusely for their generosity & tell them they have a very happy customer.
I walk out feeling like I hit the jackpot 2 days in a row!!! Susan says I have to name them so I now have Spike & baby Paco. WOOHOO!!!!

Unfortunately, I had a neck tension headache all day that was feeling worse in the car. When we get home I sleep from about 4-630pm! Their friend, Tina from San Antonio, arrives to stay with us for 2 days. She & her husband used to live here & she's joining Susan at her garden club meeting to visit more friends. Tina is super sweet & we have a fabulous meal together of pot roast, mashed potatoes, gravy & broccoli. After dinner, the women chat & catch up while George & I rock out in the living room watching a 1973 concert of Led Zeppelin in Madison Square Garden.

Another great day in New Mexico!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Jemez & Sopapillas

Boy, this is starting to be about food!

Today George took me for a drive to the Jemez (Hay-mez) pueblo/reservation, about an hour away while Susan went to a book club meeting. George was a great tour guide! I got an education on our way about the native american people & the land.
As we drove, it reminded me more & more of Sedona, AZ! We came to a HUGE red rock area where George had to pull over for me to get out & take pics! It was amazing~ There was noone around, hardly any buildings & mountains everywhere=gorgeous!
We stopped at a creek where he sometimes goes fishing, then went for lunch at Los Ojos, which was his old college stomping grounds for fun. He said it hasn't changed much! I got fish & chips & he got a famous burger. The fries were great! It was very rustic with antlers, deer mounts, rifles & tree-trunk type barstools. The waitress gave me postcards of the place!

We continued on towards Soda Dam- a natural hot spring along the road. Oh WOW!!! If I had a suit, I would have jumped right in there. The formation was so cool! There were cave-like structures with a big waterfall into a creek. Very picturesque! Up ahead was Battleship Rock- a cool formation made from volcanic rock that looked like a bow to a ship.
Then we headed back listening to "classic vinyl" on Sirrius radio while I told George my Challenger story from Sedona.

They tag-teamed & Susan took me out to a scrapbook store & a bead store that I looked up online before I came. Jackpot!! The scrapbook store was fabulous. They had awesome, unique things that I can't get at home, including hot air balloon stuff! Susan got an album for their Tahiti pictures too.
The bead store was just as fun! Susan found the coolest wooden beads that actually changed color when you touched them! I got 5 of them with the idea of a bracelet in mind. I got a bunch of the teeniest weeniest beads in wonderful colors that I think will be the proper size for classes with Gloria when I get home. I can't wait to learn a new hobby!

Then later, we went out to eat so I could treat them to some good, authentic Mexican food & my most favorite sopapillas!! They took me before to this awesome place-Abulietas where I remembered having the most incredible, doughnut-like sopapillas ever. Mmmmmmm~ divine!

Tomorrow Susan & I hit up Old Town Albuquerque. I think I need a bigger house with more walls to decorate...

Crafts & Crepes

Getting back from the fiesta, we ate some great homemade chicken soup. Then Susan & I headed back out to the huge art & craft tent near the fiesta. Oh-hold me down! This was awesome! I didn't know which way to turn first when we got in under the massive tent. Everything looked so beautiful! Aisles of exquisite handmade crafts & art by local artisans made me want one of everything! I found a cool handmade pendant with a balloon & adobe house scene that reminded me of being here in New Mexico. I quickly put that on my "come back for that later" list. Down the first aisle, we ran into thier friend, Dave, and his family again! (from the balloon fiesta) It was so funny. There were tons of people there at the craft show. It was like a needle in a haystack-again-finding them there!

I found an incredible painter who had some brilliantly colored artwork of kachinas. I fell in love with them! She had a huge painting for $550, a smaller version for $300 & a little print for $24. I was laying some smaller single ones out trying to make a decision. She said she'd cut me a deal on the bigger paintings if I was interested. Ooooo-tempting! I told her to put aside the small print & I'd be back later. In the meantime, I saw another booth of a painter who had some cool kachinas just like Susan & George have in their house that I really admire. He had little prints 2 for $15! YAY
We saw such amazing artwork- jewelry, paintings, pottery, mixed media, metal sculptures & more. It was way better than being at a mall!Plus, what was so neat was that all the artists were right there at their booth so you could meet them. I found a beautiful pottery hanging wall "basket" with feathers on it & a metal kachina sculpture for the wall.
The whole time I'm walking around thinking about the first kachina painting & if I should buy the canvas or the cheap little print. I don't have any NICE art in my house yet. This could be my first REAL piece of artwork! Hmmm.....I could offer $250...should I spend that much? If not, will I regret it? ARG!
Well, time was awasting & we had to go. I went back to the booth, picked up the small print & said I'd take that for $24. The woman wasn't there so the husband helped me. I must have said something about wanting the big canvas. He said, "It's 4:30pm, I don't want to pack that back up. I'll give it to you for $250". Susan & I looked at each other- hmmmm.... I got a look in my eye & said to the guy, "If you make it $200, I'll take it right now". He said, "ok"! Susan & I just looked at each other like "HAHA! Woohoo!". Happyhappyjoyjoy!!!!! What a great day!

Later back at the house, we got ready for friends to come for dinner. Terry & Ebbit came to visit on their way from Durango, CO back to Toucson, AZ. Terry used to live near Susan & George back in Slatington. We had a great time! They were a lot of fun to talk to & we ate a yummy chicken enchilada casserole. I volunteered to make crepes for dessert! Everyone seemed happy with that. Terry wrote down the recipe & asked me how to make them. My favorite way to eat them is with Nutella since being in Paris! They were soooo yummy!

So, it was an outstanding first day in NM!

Hot Air Balloon FIESTA!

"The Greatest Show OFF Earth!"
That's what the papers say about the International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque. I say it's better than Christmas morning!! Wow- what a day!

George & I left for the fiesta around 5:30am Sunday morning to see the Mass Ascention. That's where ALL the balloons go up! As we neared the Fiesta field, traffic was backed up considerably. It was pitch black out yet & chilly. We could see some balloons filled up & glowing in the dark!
The "Dawn Patrol" balloons went up to check wind & weather conditions. It was so exciting!
They had everything running very efficiently to get hundreds of cars parked. We didn't have to walk far into the field at all.

There were tons & tons of people! It was kind of strange to see so many people milling about a festival, with loads of food & gift vendor, in the dark! You could feel the excitement in the air (no pun intended!). People were getting food, hot drinks, all bundled up in their jackets, gloves & hats. George got coffee, I got a breakfast burrito & we headed out to the field. Loads of people were finding their spots on the grass with chairs, blankets or standing. Crews were starting to lay out their balloons to start filling them. Everyone had their own assigned location to set up.
There were rows of balloons in the field. Some were flat on the ground, just being laid out, other rows were starting to inflate. It was such a thrill to see all the colors & patterns unfurl. Geometric designs, stripes, southwest patterns were common to see. I was almost giddy with delight discovering the "special shape" balloons such as a sun, alien, clown, a cow, a pig, bees, even Darth Vador!I was glad I brought gloves! Otherwise I think I would have had trouble pressing the buttons on my camera-it was cold!

We ran into a friend of Susan & George-David, his one son & in-laws. The in-laws were from Jersey so we were chatting it up. Nice people~ It was funny to run into them there- like finding a needle in a haystack!

We stood in the field watching all the balloons gradually take off. Oone row would be blown up & ready, then they would lift off one by one. Everyone on the ground would cheer & applaud! Then the next row would take off, then the next & the next until about 350 balloons were filling the sky!! It was spectacular!! An unbelievable sight that I highly recommend everyone see at least once in their life! I believe they hit a record with how many balloons there were this year.

When they're all up, there's not much else to see so everyone starts heading out. George & I putzed around the vendor tents, I got a cinnamon bun & chai tea as we waited for the crowds to leave. I had a great time looking at all the tents. I got a commemorative pin which are very popular. Each year they have different ones to collect.

There was a fabulous arts & crafts tent that I could have spent WAY too much money in! Beautiful artwork, metal sculptures, jewelry & more were there by the artists. George told me that Susan would take me to a much bigger art/craft show nearby later in the day. Woohoo! I did get a unique necklace there handmade by a woman in Hawaii. I was about to ask her if she offered a multi-purchase discount! I could have come away from there with a bag full-her stuff was so beautiful!

Leaving was much better -the crowds were gone & we sailed out of there with no problem.
Such an incredible experience!!! I can't wait to see my pictures developed~

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Albuquerque, NM

I'm off again!
I took to the clouds once again today to visit my friends, Susan & George, and also see the infamous Hot Air Balloon Festival!
I've been dying to see this for the past 4 years & something has come up every time, the exact same week to prevent me from coming. Finally, this year it all worked out.

I had, as Susan called it, a very squirrely flight to get here! I flew out of Allentown (which Dad -aka "chauffer"-was relieved for) to Charlotte, then Denver, THEN Albuquerque. Thankfully the connections were all very short & smooth. No problems! I always thank the Lord above for the opportunity to travel to an exciting place, say a "please keep me safe" prayer & leave it in His hands. Sometimes I don't understand why people get so nervous to fly. A great quote I saw on a church sign read, "Worry ends where faith begins". I guess I have an eternal full well of faith built up cuz I just don't worry much about anything. =no stress!
Well, maybe the only thing I worry about when I fly is if I'll need to use the barf bag upon descending for my motion sickness. I had very smooth landings this time but the descents were making me woozy!

Susan greeted me at the airport. It's so good to be back from 5 years ago! We talked nonstop in the car, catching up on the changes to the area & their house & our schedule of events for the week. We made a little detour to Jackalope-a super cool, eclectic shop, where I found some bead findings & coffee for Mom & Dad.

Back at the house Leo greeted me right at the car! Leo is their gorgeous, adorable Bernese Mountain Dog. I instantly became a new "Aunt"! George helped me with my suitcase & we all got to catch up as they gave me a tour of the NEW additions to the house!

It's just 10pm here but it feels like midnight to me so exhaustion is setting in. 5am will come around quickly! I'm super excited to see the Mass Ascention tomorrow morning! Can't wait for the photo ops all week!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sedona- in Conclusion

Well, I'm home safe & sound. What a bummer!haha
I could easily spend another 3 days in Sedona. Now that class is over, I could go hiking & hot tubbing some more!

Best part= the Pink Jeep death ride!
Worst part= being scared of people "unwinding" in class
Favorite Food= sopapillas
Favorite Souvenier= handmade pottery
Coolest thing= red rock landscape
Weirdest thing= 9pm curfew! Stores close at 5pm, restaurants close at 9pm & everyone turns into a pumpkin! There's nothing to do after 9pm~ or after the suns goes down.
Fondest memory= connecting more with God & myself

I'm so thankful to have had this opportunity to visit Sedona! I have to rank it up there w/ Alaska! I will definitely be back~

Day 7 & Pink Jeep

Today was the last day of class 9-12pm. We learned some head & neck releases which I can't wait to try out on some people, especially mom! We also did some "self-unwinding" which felt really good, then a wonderful, cathartic meditation. It was cleansing & healing. What a wonderful conclusion to an enlightening class! I told John that I have a feeling he'll be seeing me again sometime (for more training).

Lyn & I were anxious to make the most of our last day before we had to head back to the airport. We had a red-eye at 12:15am so we had to leave the Sedona area around 8pm to get back to the airport.
Our Pink Jeep tour was scheduled 2-6pm so we went into town to get some souveniers. We ran out of time to eat lunch so I grabbed a muffin to hold us over til after the tour. Then we'd have a good supper before hitting the road.

We got to the Pink Jeep office & met our guide, Mike. He looked like an official Sedona guide w/ jeans, white long sleeve shirt, tan leather vest & cowboy hat. We picked up 1 woman at a hotel & off we went! We signed up for a combo tour, "Ancient Ruins & Diamond Back Gulch". I didn't know exactly what that meant but I was excited to see anything in a 4x4 huge Jeep in Sedona!
We headed out towards Boynton Canyon & the Palatki ruins. Instead of going where I went though, he took a turn off the main dirt road onto an obscure, extremely rocky path that he claimed WAS a road. Technically, we were 'off road' where only 4x4 & ATVs are allowed. That's when the real ride began. We lurched, bounced & sometimes flew up out of our seats for miles! It was so much fun. Then we get to an area where he swung around so the side of the Jeep was along this deep, steep hill FULL of huge rocks. WHOA. Then he says something about going a different way, guns it, spins us around in a circle & GOES DOWN THE CRAZY ASS HILL!!!! All 3 of us shrieked, screamed & pretty much tried not to mess our pants as we held on for dear life & thanked God for seatbelts! Really, it was hysterical & exhilarating!
But then we had to go UP the crazy ass hill! Oh, this is too much fun now! I put my camera on video mode & shot our trip up the hill. I'm telling you, it was better than a roller coaster! I giggled like a kid the whole way.Too funny!! I think Mike was getting a real kick out of us squealing & flying out of our seats.

We then rode to the Honanki Ruins to see cliff dwellings & pictographs (paintings on the walls, not carvings). Mike gave us a good education as we walked around the cliff looking at the ruins & seeing all the cool designs. At this point, it was freezing & really windy. This Jeep had no windows-it was all open so thank goodness I had my fuzzy headband & 2 layer jacket! Then we went back to town.

Lyn asked me what was the best part of my trip & I blurted out, "the Pink Jeep!". I guessed we saved the best for last! I'm so glad we went. That sure was a riot & SO much fun!

For our last meal, we went to The Barking Frog, which is a super popular place. It had a neat atmosphere & incredible menu-plus a fireplace! We ate some fabulous tortilla chips w/ cheese dip, homemade guacamole & cactus salsa & I got scallops that were divine. What a super day! A great end to a great week.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sedona -Day 6

Today was another great day amongst the red rocks! My white shoes are turning red...

Class was filled with more "unwinding" people writhing, moaning & screaming. We're kinda getting used to it now-haha! Lyn & I think we had a very fortunate life, that we haven't lived through much trauma. Thank God!
We learned a rebounding technique of rocking the body, did some excercises on a sacral wedge (bought those for some clients to try!), a lumbar release & then did a 3 person hands-on release. I hope we learn more stuff tomorrow for the neck,shoulders & head.

After class, Lyn & I headed to a McD's to get a quick bite to eat in the car on our way to see Cathedral Rock & go to the Red Rock State Park. It was a nice drive & incredible views! Cathedral Rock is the formation you see on anything related to Sedona, kind of like the town mascot.
Then we drove to Bell Rock which is another vortex site. That was a long walk but incredibly beautiful! We were there about 2 hours walking all around the rocks & having great conversation. Lyn posed over a prickly pear cactus while I took her picture. As soon as she walked away she felt pricklies in her behind! I couldn't help but double over in laughter as she's pulling cactus spines out of her butt! a woman came along & said they have a "magnetic" effect cuz Lyn wasn't touching the plant. Guess she has a magnifying behind! Ü (sorry Lyn! it was funny!)

Then we met up w/ some classmates at the Cowboy Club uptown. It was recommended by my tour guide & he said they even have cactus fries! It was so much fun. Armand was there, Sarah & Steve, Allison & John-all from NJ & Armand is from Chicago. I had some cactus fries (which were great!), Lyn & I shared flatbread w/ a tomato cheese spread & I got chicken & green chili mac & cheese. Everything was so good! Authentic cowboy grub~

So we settled the bill, now we have to pack up cuz we have to be out of here before class in the AM. After class tomorrow, we're going on a Pink Jeep tour for 4 hours! We'll be in a 4x4 Jeep & seeing some ancient cliff dwellings. Cool!
Then a 2 hour treck down to Phoenix & a long ride home. I'm not too excited to come home just yet. But I'm anxious to see my baby Eshe!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sedona- day 5

Today was better than yesterday, thank goodness! Nobody spazzed.Whew!
Class was 9am-1pm. An assistant started the class, talking some theory & then led us through a cool guided meditation. John arrived then & showed us a psoas release. (that's a major muscle on the front of the hip)
Then he had us sit & face our partners & do some in depth,somewhat scary emotional stuff. We all delt with it in our own way. It's was quite the learning experience! Some tears fell but in a good, cleansing way.
They're feeding us great food! Loads of fresh fruit, juice, some danishes & muffins.Yum!
Class went quickly today. I was anxious for our helicopter ride at 1:40pm!

That was awesome! It was Lyn's first time & she loved it. It was so worth the money! I was a little bummed though that I had to sit in the back.Too much metal in the way of my view. But still, it was fabulous. There's nothing like it! You can't get those views any other way!

Then, we headed downtown to Tlaquepaque village. It's a quaint, beautiful shopping village built to be a replica of a same village in Tlaquepaque, Mexico. They have more upscale artist boutiques there & some restaurants. My trolley guy told me that lots of weddings happen there. We saw what looked to be a newly engaged couple getting their pics taken.
We ate at a great mexican place that had sopapillas!!! Lyn & I LOVE them! It's like a gigantice donut that you put honey on. Kinda tastes like a doughy funnel cake. HEAVEN on a plate!
I got some awesome handmade pottery pieces from a local woman I admired.

We went back to the room to change into our suits. Then party in the hot tub!
We met Armand last night who's in our class & some other folks. Lyn & I had these apple cider "beers" last night so Armand said he'd bring the beer tonight. We still had some left so I had one of those.It went down easier than regular beer (cuz i hate beer). Tonight there were tons of people hot tubbing!It was great. Conversations go all over the place.Everyone's so nice & friendly.PLus it feels great!

Tomorrow class is 9-1pm again. Then Lyn & I will probably hit Cathedral Rock, Bell Rock & hopefully a hike at Devil's Bridge.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Scared the bejeezus out of me

Howdy- Day 4!
Lyn arrived safe & sound last night around 830pm. Let the good times roll!

Today was our first day of class for the Myofascial Healing seminar. John Barnes is a cool guy & interesting to listen to. He makes a lot of sense in a no-nonsense kind of way, sounding professional & intelligent while looking like a Harley man. Ü

He introduced a technique on an older man by holding the center of the chest & middle of the back. We all watched the demonstration as the man began to spazz & convulse. What the heck was going on? John just let the man shake, rattle & roll while protectively being there not doing much of anything, just letting the man go through this "unwinding". It shook me up a little & Lyn said it looked like the man was having a seizure.
Then he demonstrated it again on a younger woman who had an even MORE violent spazz attack!! I almost started crying! To see her arch, reach,writhe & spazz like that was WAY unnerving. It was like watching someone in pain, or get assaulted. It totally freaked me & Lyn out-big time. John called this process "unwinding" & it was the person's way of releasing old trauma to let go & heal. It all makes a lot of sense to me but was soooo shocking to witness.

Throughout the day, many people had reactions like that. There must be about 60 people in the room & when we trade techniques, people are writhing, moaning & even screaming! It's so unusual to me & still is freaking me out. I'm trying not to judge people cuz they must have been through something traumatic & it might be me tomorrow!

After class, Lyn & I went for a drive then the sun went down. Then we got some booze & went hot tubbing!

So we'll see what tomorrow brings!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 3 in Sedona

I was supposed to start the day at 8am w/ a Pink Jeep tour to the ancient petroglyphs. They called me last night & said I was the only person signed up for that tour & they wouldn't go out for little old me. Poop on them!

So I got up early & went up to the Airport Mesa vortex for sunrise. I know! Check me out getting up for that,haha. I took my frame drum with me to play in a serene spot. Got there around 730am but the sun didn't rise up over the red rock til about 8am. It was awesome!! Cold though! Met a few people up there~

830am I headed to Uptown to do the Trolley tour. They offer 2 one hour trips that take you all around to see the highlights. Guess what? It was just me again! BUT-the guy took me out by myself! It was awesome -i had my own private Sedona tour!
We went to West Sedona first & I saw some cool rock formations & he told me where I can go myself to see petroglyphs. Cool! Saw Boynton Canyon where there is another vortex site there so I knew where to go. The next tour took me south to the Chapel of the Holy Cross. That is so outstanding-you have to look it up on the net to see a pic. I'll post one when I get home.

Back in town after the trolley, I shopped all around.Fun! Got a bunch of cool stuff & noted some things to come back for later.
I found out the petroglyph site-Palatki closes at 3pm & I got to the visitor center at 2pm to make a reservation. He said I better call first. SO I did & they said I better hurry. I could see the petroglyphs but I wouldn't have time to see the ancient cliff dwellings. Bummer.
That's when I got my speeding ticket-so it hung me up even later! ARG!

As I got closer, it turned into a red dirt road for several miles.Dusty!! I got there in the nick of time & was able to walk up to the site. It wasn't exactly what I expected but it was cool. They didn't have many. At the visitor center, the guy told me about another site that has the most ever. Hopefully I can catch that another time with Lyn.

Then I stopped at the Boynton canyon trail before it got dark. They had very nice groomed trails for hiking there. I went to the vortex site, basked in the sun & played my drum a little. It's so beautiful! On my way on the trail, I saw some movement... a mule deer! How cute! Of course I had my camera ready. Then I spotted another one, then another one, and another! There were 8!!! So close to... they must be used to people walking on the trails. They crossed right in front of me. So cool!

Had some gourmet pizza on the way back-fabulous!
Now I'm waiting for Lyn. She'll be here in about an hour-yahoo! Can't wait!

Seminar starts tomorrow morning. Looking forward to it!

Got a souvenier today that I didn't want~

Guess what??
I got a speeding ticket!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, what can I say? I'm driving a Challenger for pete's sake! It was bound to happen...Ü

I came out of town from a single lane to a double lane that climbed a very big hill. I started eating a sandwich in the car & heading up the hill. It wasn't til I saw a cop-heading in the opposite direction down the hill- that I looked & saw the speed limit is 40. He made a very quick U & came right behind me & pulled me over,even though I slowed down as soon as I saw him. Too late! He clocked me at 58. Go figure-the speed limit on the highway up here was 75 & I topped it at 92 & nobody was none the wiser, til now! HEEHEE! Uh-oh, if mom & dad read this, I'm in for it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Grand Canyon!

Day 2 in Sedona was my day trip with Red Rock Tours to the Grand Canyon-yahoo!!
I was picked up at my hotel at 730am. While I waited outside for my ride, I saw the moon still up in the sky to my right & the sun rising to my left. I thought it was such a magical, neat perspective.
A couple in their 60s was in the van, Ed & Helen. They were awesome, I liked them right away. It was Ed's 69th birthday! Our driver took us uptown to another van where we joined a young couple, Thi & Jeremy & a guy,Bob, in his 50s. Our driver was Larry. He was great! Very nice & informative. He told us all about everything while we drove up through Sedona an hour towards Flagstaff-the scenery, rock, history,etc. It was full of switchbacks. Thank God I sat up front & took a Dramamine! We filled up the tank, took a potty break & continued another hour to the GC.
First, we stopped at an Imax theater. We putzed in the gift shop & saw the 45 min movie. They showed people white water rafting through the canyon. That changed my mind! It looked WAY dangerous. Although Larry told us about a "smooth river ride", that I could do. Not this time of year though.

Next, we stopped at the GC entrance sign to take a group shot pic. We made our first stop then at a lookout point at the South Rim. Oooooohhh WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! It really does take your breath away!
Then we had lunch & rode up to a different point to view. We passed a sign along the way that Larry said we'd have to take a pic of cuz no doubt, we've never seen one of these before. It was a yellow deer crossing sign but instead of a deer pic, it was a mountain lion!!! How cool would that be to see one of those?!

We stopped at a watchtower which is the highest elevation there at over 7,000 feet. Got some neat shots from there! Plus, there was a visitor center that had the passport stamp so I could stamp my book!

Then, we drove a 1/2 hr or so to some Indian ruins-Wapotki, something like that, from the 1100's! That was cool.It's hard to imagine people living in those types of dwellings. We walked around there til the sun was going down. Then we drove by Sunset Crater & saw the lava fields.
Then 2 hrs back home to drop everybody off. It was a great trip,Larry was awesome & gave us an education. That Bob guy creeped me out. When I gave my camera to Larry to take my photo by the canyon, Bob took my pic at the same time w/ his camera.Twice. I noticed that he didn't take the others pics. So the 3rd time he was going to do it I said,"Could you please not take my picture?" IIEEWWWW!

Larry said that he took people to spread a family member's ashes twice. They put it in their will.Neat concept. I told him that I wanted to come here last year at the time I lost Bailey but it didn't work out. The thought actually came to me that maybe I could spread her ashes here since this is where I wanted to be last year. Part of me wants to always keep her with me, but Larry said he'd help me if I ever wanted to do that. Then he gave me 4 pure crystals in my hand! (we talked alot about the vortex sites) He said out of all the people there today that I should have them. Awwww....WOW!!!! I was soooo touched! They will always mean alot to me & I will take them to the vortex sites this week to "energize" them.It was very special!
What a great day-I got to see one of the 7 Wonders of the World, the only one in the US! Cross that off my bucket list! Now 6 more to go....hopefully the Taj Mahal will be next!!

Nighttime in Sedona

It is BLACK,BLACK,BLACK!!! Pretty much as soon as the sun goes down, it's pitch black. There are NO streetlights-they've been "outlawed" & not many buildings w/ lights on. While driving, if you turned off your headlights, you'd crash cuz it's just black nothingness. The cool thing though is MILLIONS os stars come out! I knew New Mexico is a big star gazing place, but so is this. It's beautiful.

Last night, I saw the grandest magic trick I've ever seen in my life. You know how David Copperfield makes huge things disappear, like cars & trains?
Well...remember how I was going on & on yesterday about the drive up w/ all the amazing Red Rock Country? I mean HUGE rock mountains are everywhere-it's so outstanding. Well, at night they completely & utterly VANISH. It's like darkness drapes a huge, black veil over the landscape or more like hangs a black curtain in front of everything to conceal it.
It was so unbelievable to have seen such AWEsome beauty driving in, then to have it all disappear at night. You can't see a darn thing. Not even a shadow. It kinda reminds me of something I heard about fear. For instance, you could be driving on the edge of a cliff or canyon, with no guardrails & feel incredibly afraid. BUT-if you were driving the same road in darkness, not knowing you were on the edge of a cliff- there would be no fear! You'd have no idea that there was something there to harm you or be afraid of. Isn't that a neat concept? Darkness can camoflauge what exists or make you believe there is something there that doesn't exist. Like monsters in the closet.
But in Sedona, at nighttime, it's almost like a hidden secret-these majestic Red Rocks...that only those of us who know they exist can smile a secret smile & know they are still there.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1 part 2

I thought I'd make this in 2 parts cuz it's a lot to read! Plus, I didn't want my writing to magically disappear like it did in Paris.

There is a cluster of shops & hotels coming into Sedona that made my head turn left,right,left,right...just taking it all in & wondering what all is here. I noticed a sign for a Thai restaurant-woopee! Then there's about 3 miles of nothing but red rock, then Sedona 'downtown'. My hotel, Sky Ranch Lodge, is at the top of a mountain right next to the little airport.It's cute! I like it. There's another scenic outlook point right by the driveway. I can't even begin to describe the view.AWE~

I had quite a neck tension headache most of the day but got worse when I got to the hotel. My neck hurt & my head was pounding. There was so much I wanted to do but I had to lay down for a little. Thought I was going to throw up but some fresh air helped.
I took some pics at the scenic outlook, then drove 1/2 mile down the hill to the Airport Mesa Vortex site as the sun was going down. It was so incredibly beautiful!!! You can hike all around on trails on the red rock. It almost looks professionally landscaped rather than something naturally made. So impressive! I looked around to see where a good spot would be to play my frame drum I brought. I kept my eyes out for a tarantula. I have to see one this week!! That would be too cool.Maybe a scorpion too...from a distance of course!

Then I drove back down through the Red Rock Country to the Thai restaurant. I got Shrimp Pineapple Curry & a salad w/ peanut sauce dressing-YUM!!! I hope to go back w/ Lyn later in the week.

So that brings me to here-back at the hotel. They have a computer in the lobby to use. Luckliy there's noone else here wanting to use it while I write all of this. I even have time to hop in the jacuzzi!!

Until next time~
My day trip to the GRAND CANYON is tomorrow! I'll have lots to write about then I'm sure!

Sedona- a dream come true

I'm finally in Sedona, AZ!! I've been dying to come here for years. So this is a dream come true! It's absolutely STUNNING. That's the best word I can say.

So let me backtrack to earlier in the day...
God bless Dad-he took me to ABE (thank God there & not Philly!) at 430am. I flew 1 hr to Detroit-slept the whole ride. I had a 1 hr layover & it took me that whole time to walk to my next gate! That place is HUGE! 3 1/2 hrs to Phoenix-very smooth ride. I LOVE the airport. It excites me so much! Just to know that I'm going somewhere is enough for me to feel joy at the airport. It fascinates me too to look around at people & wonder where they're all going.

When I get on a plane, I always thank God for my many blessings in life & the opportunity to travel, especially when it's for fun! I pray for a safe flight & protection. And just keep on thanking my lucky stars. What can I say, traveling is my passion!

At Phoenix, I rented a car to get me the 2 hrs to Sedona=economy. Still that was $339 for the week. When I got to the counter, a nice,young guy waited on me.There was a picture on the counter of all the "cool" cars you could rent. I saw a Dodge Challenger. I said, "You can rent a Dodge Challenger?" "Sure!"he says."Want me to look it up?" I say nooooo-it'll cost too much. BTW-for those of you that don't know-that's my favorite car besides a cool 60's Corvette. I kept looking at this picture & said, "Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants?" He asks again to get a price, I say no. He asks if I want to upgrade to the next level car for a few dollars more, I say no. I hand him my credit card & he sees my excitement & hesitation & says, "it'll take 2 seconds to get you a price...." Ok,ok, just out of cuiousity, go for it. He says, "how does $412 grab you?" I say no. So, maybe because I'm irresistable, he says $390 only cuz he 'fooled the computer' & that's the best he can do. I still said no not too convincingly. So he gave me a paper for the economy car & wrote the price of the Challenger on it just in case. Guess what- it only came to a $7 a day difference.

I go down to the parking lot & a guy about my age takes my form. "Let's see....we're looking at an economy and a....Challenger???" It was hysterical. Yea, what a jump. A piece of crap or a hot rod! Hmmm....too funny.
He takes me to the Challenger first. Guess what? IT'S BLACK!!!! It was pretty much a done deal right there. I was as giddy as teenager with their first car. It was outstanding!! 2010-gorgeous, smooth-you couldn't even hear it running. Although a small part of me wished it had a loud muffler...all I needed was Led Zepplin on the radio!

I grinned like the Cheshire Cat for 2 hours all the way up to Sedona! I felt like the coolest girl in Arizona driving that car, passing everybody on the highway.HEEHEEHEE!!!!!!
This is my dream car! And I was driving it-to Sedona!!! Does life get any better? Oh yes, Virginia-there is a Santa Claus...and a marvelous God too that created the most majestic beauty you've ever seen!!

Coming into the Sedona area...the speed changes from 75 to 65 to 45 to 35. It has to cuz everyone would crack up left & right staring at the Red Rock Country! It really was hard to concentrate on the road when these magnificent, HUGE red rocks come up out of the earth all around you. There seemed to be a scenic outlook every mile. It was almost as grand as seeing the pyramids. Gasp,gasp,gasp. AWESTRUCK.