
Monday, January 24, 2011

Sedona- a dream come true

I'm finally in Sedona, AZ!! I've been dying to come here for years. So this is a dream come true! It's absolutely STUNNING. That's the best word I can say.

So let me backtrack to earlier in the day...
God bless Dad-he took me to ABE (thank God there & not Philly!) at 430am. I flew 1 hr to Detroit-slept the whole ride. I had a 1 hr layover & it took me that whole time to walk to my next gate! That place is HUGE! 3 1/2 hrs to Phoenix-very smooth ride. I LOVE the airport. It excites me so much! Just to know that I'm going somewhere is enough for me to feel joy at the airport. It fascinates me too to look around at people & wonder where they're all going.

When I get on a plane, I always thank God for my many blessings in life & the opportunity to travel, especially when it's for fun! I pray for a safe flight & protection. And just keep on thanking my lucky stars. What can I say, traveling is my passion!

At Phoenix, I rented a car to get me the 2 hrs to Sedona=economy. Still that was $339 for the week. When I got to the counter, a nice,young guy waited on me.There was a picture on the counter of all the "cool" cars you could rent. I saw a Dodge Challenger. I said, "You can rent a Dodge Challenger?" "Sure!"he says."Want me to look it up?" I say nooooo-it'll cost too much. BTW-for those of you that don't know-that's my favorite car besides a cool 60's Corvette. I kept looking at this picture & said, "Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants?" He asks again to get a price, I say no. He asks if I want to upgrade to the next level car for a few dollars more, I say no. I hand him my credit card & he sees my excitement & hesitation & says, "it'll take 2 seconds to get you a price...." Ok,ok, just out of cuiousity, go for it. He says, "how does $412 grab you?" I say no. So, maybe because I'm irresistable, he says $390 only cuz he 'fooled the computer' & that's the best he can do. I still said no not too convincingly. So he gave me a paper for the economy car & wrote the price of the Challenger on it just in case. Guess what- it only came to a $7 a day difference.

I go down to the parking lot & a guy about my age takes my form. "Let's see....we're looking at an economy and a....Challenger???" It was hysterical. Yea, what a jump. A piece of crap or a hot rod! Hmmm....too funny.
He takes me to the Challenger first. Guess what? IT'S BLACK!!!! It was pretty much a done deal right there. I was as giddy as teenager with their first car. It was outstanding!! 2010-gorgeous, smooth-you couldn't even hear it running. Although a small part of me wished it had a loud muffler...all I needed was Led Zepplin on the radio!

I grinned like the Cheshire Cat for 2 hours all the way up to Sedona! I felt like the coolest girl in Arizona driving that car, passing everybody on the highway.HEEHEEHEE!!!!!!
This is my dream car! And I was driving it-to Sedona!!! Does life get any better? Oh yes, Virginia-there is a Santa Claus...and a marvelous God too that created the most majestic beauty you've ever seen!!

Coming into the Sedona area...the speed changes from 75 to 65 to 45 to 35. It has to cuz everyone would crack up left & right staring at the Red Rock Country! It really was hard to concentrate on the road when these magnificent, HUGE red rocks come up out of the earth all around you. There seemed to be a scenic outlook every mile. It was almost as grand as seeing the pyramids. Gasp,gasp,gasp. AWESTRUCK.

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