
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Scared the bejeezus out of me

Howdy- Day 4!
Lyn arrived safe & sound last night around 830pm. Let the good times roll!

Today was our first day of class for the Myofascial Healing seminar. John Barnes is a cool guy & interesting to listen to. He makes a lot of sense in a no-nonsense kind of way, sounding professional & intelligent while looking like a Harley man. Ü

He introduced a technique on an older man by holding the center of the chest & middle of the back. We all watched the demonstration as the man began to spazz & convulse. What the heck was going on? John just let the man shake, rattle & roll while protectively being there not doing much of anything, just letting the man go through this "unwinding". It shook me up a little & Lyn said it looked like the man was having a seizure.
Then he demonstrated it again on a younger woman who had an even MORE violent spazz attack!! I almost started crying! To see her arch, reach,writhe & spazz like that was WAY unnerving. It was like watching someone in pain, or get assaulted. It totally freaked me & Lyn out-big time. John called this process "unwinding" & it was the person's way of releasing old trauma to let go & heal. It all makes a lot of sense to me but was soooo shocking to witness.

Throughout the day, many people had reactions like that. There must be about 60 people in the room & when we trade techniques, people are writhing, moaning & even screaming! It's so unusual to me & still is freaking me out. I'm trying not to judge people cuz they must have been through something traumatic & it might be me tomorrow!

After class, Lyn & I went for a drive then the sun went down. Then we got some booze & went hot tubbing!

So we'll see what tomorrow brings!

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