
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Grand Canyon!

Day 2 in Sedona was my day trip with Red Rock Tours to the Grand Canyon-yahoo!!
I was picked up at my hotel at 730am. While I waited outside for my ride, I saw the moon still up in the sky to my right & the sun rising to my left. I thought it was such a magical, neat perspective.
A couple in their 60s was in the van, Ed & Helen. They were awesome, I liked them right away. It was Ed's 69th birthday! Our driver took us uptown to another van where we joined a young couple, Thi & Jeremy & a guy,Bob, in his 50s. Our driver was Larry. He was great! Very nice & informative. He told us all about everything while we drove up through Sedona an hour towards Flagstaff-the scenery, rock, history,etc. It was full of switchbacks. Thank God I sat up front & took a Dramamine! We filled up the tank, took a potty break & continued another hour to the GC.
First, we stopped at an Imax theater. We putzed in the gift shop & saw the 45 min movie. They showed people white water rafting through the canyon. That changed my mind! It looked WAY dangerous. Although Larry told us about a "smooth river ride", that I could do. Not this time of year though.

Next, we stopped at the GC entrance sign to take a group shot pic. We made our first stop then at a lookout point at the South Rim. Oooooohhh WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! It really does take your breath away!
Then we had lunch & rode up to a different point to view. We passed a sign along the way that Larry said we'd have to take a pic of cuz no doubt, we've never seen one of these before. It was a yellow deer crossing sign but instead of a deer pic, it was a mountain lion!!! How cool would that be to see one of those?!

We stopped at a watchtower which is the highest elevation there at over 7,000 feet. Got some neat shots from there! Plus, there was a visitor center that had the passport stamp so I could stamp my book!

Then, we drove a 1/2 hr or so to some Indian ruins-Wapotki, something like that, from the 1100's! That was cool.It's hard to imagine people living in those types of dwellings. We walked around there til the sun was going down. Then we drove by Sunset Crater & saw the lava fields.
Then 2 hrs back home to drop everybody off. It was a great trip,Larry was awesome & gave us an education. That Bob guy creeped me out. When I gave my camera to Larry to take my photo by the canyon, Bob took my pic at the same time w/ his camera.Twice. I noticed that he didn't take the others pics. So the 3rd time he was going to do it I said,"Could you please not take my picture?" IIEEWWWW!

Larry said that he took people to spread a family member's ashes twice. They put it in their will.Neat concept. I told him that I wanted to come here last year at the time I lost Bailey but it didn't work out. The thought actually came to me that maybe I could spread her ashes here since this is where I wanted to be last year. Part of me wants to always keep her with me, but Larry said he'd help me if I ever wanted to do that. Then he gave me 4 pure crystals in my hand! (we talked alot about the vortex sites) He said out of all the people there today that I should have them. Awwww....WOW!!!! I was soooo touched! They will always mean alot to me & I will take them to the vortex sites this week to "energize" them.It was very special!
What a great day-I got to see one of the 7 Wonders of the World, the only one in the US! Cross that off my bucket list! Now 6 more to go....hopefully the Taj Mahal will be next!!

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