
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spike & Paco

Tuesday I spent the day with Susan in Old Town Albuquerque. They took me there 5 years ago but we didn't have much time. It's a huge town square filled with all kinds of unique gift shops & restaurants with a 300 year old church in the center square.
They had a lot of balloon fiesta merchandise for all the tourists. It was fun to look at! I got some cute socks, a tree ornament & postcards. At a finer gift shop, I saw the Jon Anderson fimo clay animals that I fell in love with last time I was out. I regretted not buying one! There was a horned toad figure that I loved cuz I saw one here & it looked so cool made out of the fimo clay with all these intricate designs in it. So there they are-ok, now I have to get one. 5 years ago I thought they were outstanding, didn't get one & couldn't stop thinking about it since. The small ones were $95 & they had 1 big one (looked actual size) for $195. Of course the big one looked WAY better, more colorful & fancier. The salesguy was super nice.Pretty cute too. He gave me a magnifying glass to look at them & left me alone to make my decision. I know it's a lot, but I had to get the big one. It was SO much nicer & I don't really have any kind of "good" art (except for the katchina print I got Monday!). So I said I'll take the big one. Cute guy wrapped him up in cool box with the artist's info card. YAY!
Susan & I have lunch at a very nice place in the square. I ordered a strawberry & orange salad with goat cheese & almonds. Not exactly Mexican food but we just had that last night. I think I'll have to replicate this dish at home-YUM!
I took the box out to show her my treasure. She picks it up out of the box & the one leg was loose. Oh no! She set it on the table & it fell right off!! EGADS! She said we'll go back to the shop, it looked like it could easily be glued back on. Maybe I could get something knocked off the price.

So we headed back to the shop. Cute guy had a very cute son to which I said, "Is there a doctor in the house?" We explanined what happened & they were all mortified. This never happened before. They actually tried calling the artist, Jon Anderson, who lives in BALI to see what they could do. I'm not sure if they got a hold of him but they agreed to try super glue. The wife shop owner came over & said, "If they fix it & you like it, we'll throw in a baby for you. If you don't like it, we'll give you a refund or have Jon send you a new one". Holy crap! A free baby? Susan & I gave each other a wide-eyed look like, hell yea!
They fix Spike for me & hand him over with a magnifying glass for me to approve. I pretend to be all picky & give them a "yes, it's acceptable". She tells me to pick out a baby horned toad. EEEEE!!!
They wrap everything up & we learn that the cute guy husband is the artist of the cool copper & brass art that Susan & George have on the dining room wall. We laugh, shake hands, I take his picture, thank them profusely for their generosity & tell them they have a very happy customer.
I walk out feeling like I hit the jackpot 2 days in a row!!! Susan says I have to name them so I now have Spike & baby Paco. WOOHOO!!!!

Unfortunately, I had a neck tension headache all day that was feeling worse in the car. When we get home I sleep from about 4-630pm! Their friend, Tina from San Antonio, arrives to stay with us for 2 days. She & her husband used to live here & she's joining Susan at her garden club meeting to visit more friends. Tina is super sweet & we have a fabulous meal together of pot roast, mashed potatoes, gravy & broccoli. After dinner, the women chat & catch up while George & I rock out in the living room watching a 1973 concert of Led Zeppelin in Madison Square Garden.

Another great day in New Mexico!

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