
Friday, October 8, 2010

The Louvre

The infamous LOUVRE museum is practically right across the street. I was not leaving Paris until I went there so I left the others today to go there on my own. I had all day to take as much time as I wanted.
I downloaded a tour to my Ipod so I used that to get me around to the famous pieces. It was great!!! I saw DaVinci, David, Michelangelo, Venus de Milo, Raphael and course the MONA LISA! I saw lots of famous paintings & believe me, in person-they are really impressive!!! Some of these paintings are bigger than my house! (I mean I couldn't fit it on my walls-they're SO huge!)
After I got through the famous pieces I spent the rest of my time there in the Ancient Egyptian wing. YAY! I smiled the whole way through thinking, "Yea, I was actually there..." EEEEE!!! Still, what they had there was incredible. I did not see lots of those types of things cuz we only spent 2 hours at the Cairo museum. It was all unbelievable!!

By then 3 hours passed by & I was ready to go. I saw all I wanted to see. Although, you could spend WEEKS in the Louvre to be able to see everything. I felt satisfied though.
I got a sandwich & sat out in the Touilleries gardens people watching. It was such a beautiful warm October day. Lots of people were out just laying in the grass.

I walked back towards the apt & took a detour up the street to see the Opera House-which is HUGE & gorgeous! It was a lot longer walk than it looked! I found the entrance & realized they stopped the last tour at 430pm & it was 515pm. AARRGG!!! Oh well.

Back to the apt. We're all getting ready to go out for our last Parisan dinner & packing. We'll be leaving at 7am so we want to get ready tonight. I'm starving & ready to go!

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