
Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 6 in Paris- Firecracker in a Coconut Ball

Today is Kim's 40th birthday!!
She called the shots today so we did whatever she wanted. She & Lisa started the day off w/ a run while the rest of us got to sleep in-yay!
When they came back & got ready, we left to go to a cafe & got sandwiches for a picnic lunch in the great Luxemburg park!
John snuck in a bottle of champagne to toast her bday. We took the metro to get there & walked to the park, plunked ourselves on a bench & ate our lunch. It was a beautiful day. There's a giant gov't building there which was beautiful to look at PLUS a view of the Eiffel Tower! Tons of people were out- old, young & everywhere in between. We've been asking alot this week, "Doesn't anybody WORK??". Statues were scattered throughout the park, cherubs holding up a flower vase, a huge pool/fountain, tennis court, men playing chess at tables, kids running could have people-watched for hours. I got the CUTEST pic on the sly of an adorable little girl.

Backing up- at the apt, Lisa gave Kim her present which was a Pandora bracelet w/ a silver charm of a suitcase w/ the Eiffel Tower on it. When we were ready to leave for the picnic, the rest of us each gave her a charm to add to the bracelet. Lisa was a genious for thinking of the idea. The plan was to give her a charm gradually throughout the day so she could open a present all day long! How cool is that? She loved the idea & our charms.

At the picnic, her mom gave her a charm from Kim's husband Joey. It was sweet.
As we left to hop back on the metro, guess what I got? Yup,- a chocolate crepe!!

From there, we took the metro to the Rodin Museum. He's the sculptor that did "the Thinker". The "house" was amazing-gorgeous & filled w/ his work. Then we went out to the gardens where they had his sculptures throughout. We did a group shot mimicking the Thinker pose at the statue. Everybody was doing it-just like people holding up the leaning tower of Pisa. It turned out cute!

We returned to the apt to relax a little before dinner. I started to write in my journal & my head was bobbing. I took a nap for a 1/2 hr or so-felt great. I joined the others on our balcony-they were having more wine/champagne & talking. It was so relaxing.

Kim's birthday dinner was at a place called Royal Madeline. John & Lisa ate there twice before & said it was fabulous. It was very nice-great atmosphere, great food & great waitresses who spoke English really well.
I got a REAL crab & avacado salad & some authentic French onion soup. I figured I had to try the real deal, right? It was all fantastic.
Out of nowhere, a little white gift bag appears on the table next to Kim (thanks to John). She squeals & opens her present. It's another charm from a friend. She was so surprised & excited! A little bit later, another gift bag appears undetected. More squeals! She was so touched! John & Lisa ended up giving her about 5 total charms from friends at home. Kim was so touched she was teary eyed.
We were all too stuffed for dessert. Next thing you know, we hear "happy birthday" music on the restaurant's speakers & the staff comes out singing to her in French! They came out carrying a FIRECRACKER on a plate!! It was shocking & hysterical!!! We had NO idea this was going to happen. We were just making a fuss over Kim's bday & the waitress did it all on her own.
On the firecracker plate was a pear with cream. She poured chocolate sauce all over it like gravy. It was so amazing!!!! Really, it was a footlong firecracker standing straight up on a plate w/ the pear. I saw it stuck in a little round thing & asked the waitress what it was in. "Uuhhh...coconut" she says. HAHA! I got pictures of the whole thing. It was crazy. I kicked myself in the butt later for not remembering/realizing to take a video!! darn! But the pics are cute.
Me, Kim & her mom were all crying. It was sentimental & emotional.

I told Kim it must be the best birthday ever & I can only wish my 40th will be as awesome.

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