
Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 7 in Paris- the dogs are talking

The dogs are talking as feet are KILLING me! I have walked so much in 1 week it's amazing.
Yes, it's our last day but I think we're all getting ready to go home now. There's something about being away for awhile that makes you miss your own stuff, your own bed, your own routine. I could stay 1 more day & visit Sacre Couer church. That would be cool. Oh well. I sure did a lot in a week!

Kim, her mom, aunt & I went out this morning to get chocolate croissants & coffee, then take the metro to visit St. Chapelle church. Jay sent me a picture of the stained glass windows from when he was here & it's truly outstanding. i was excited! I heard it wasn't much to look at from the outside but inside was breath-taking.
It truly was. BUT-the whole front was boarded up for renovations!!! WAAAA! We got to see the church downstairs & the phenominal stained glass windows upstairs except for the front. It was still worth it! 70% of the windows are original from the 13th century. Isn't this stuff amazing? How could you NOT want to see this? They had a nice gift shop area too so I got a couple things.
We saw some cool flower/garden outdoor shops nearby that we putzed around in. I don't know how I find these things, but I found a HEDGEHOG wall hook!! Yes, it's mine. :)
I saw some tiny adorable flowers that I really wanted to take home! Wish I could have, I've never seen anything like them! I took a bunch of pictures.

Next, we walked over to Il St. Louis to get some 'famous' ice cream. I saw what looked like raspberry & asked the guy if they had raspberry. No he says. I point to the pink container-what's that? Peach. Peach? Pink peach? Ok, i'm game. It was delicious!! I can't say it was as good as the OUT OF THIS WORLD ice cream I had in Naples, Italy though. Still, it was a great treat. I ran up to the awesome chocolate store & bought more chocolate covered hazelnuts-YUM! Plus a gift for mom & dad & Joe! I told the girl, "This is my 2nd time here. I love it!" She gave me a pack of 6 cookies FREE! WOOHOO!! I love Paris.

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