
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 4 in Paris- Catacombs & Musee D'Orsay

I got to sleep in today-yay! Went to bed late but slept til 10:45am while Kim & Lisa went out for a run. Took our time getting ready & then headed out to the catacombs! It was a longer metro ride & right smack in the middle of town. You'd never know there were mile(s) of underground tunnels!
We walked for a while through narrow tunnels w/ low ceilings (no problem for me!) with little light. No flash photography was allowed so my pics came out pretty crappy but you get the gist. Tons & tons of skulls, femurs & tibias were artfully arranged in rows, about shoulder height for what seemed like a mile! It was impressive. A really neat thing to do.
We had lunch & hit the metro again after 4pm to rush to the Musee D'Orsay (museum). It was an old train station-so cool! The ceilings were really high w/ awesome arches & decorations & a HUGE clock. We only had an hour til they closed so we didn't see much. I'm not too into art so I can look at that stuff pretty quickly. I did spy from the 2nd floor a tambourine!! There was some kind of huge white statue on the 1st floor of an angel guy ( I think) w/ women around him & he was holding a tambourine. I was excited but they shushed us out in a hurry. Oh well.
We got our Museum Pass for 4 days which will allow us to get in almost all the other museums til Friday.
Kim, Lisa, John & I ate at a fabulous Thai restaurant across the street. I got scallops (again!) with green curry & coconut milk-YUMMY!!!! We'll go back again.

Tomorrow is a day trip to Versailles!!! Can't wait!

1 comment:

Debi said...

Loving your posts Jes, keep up the good work and enjoying every minute!! Blessings, Debi