
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Leaving tomorrow~

Hamjambo! ("How are you all?" or in Jes's terms= Whaaaaaaaazzzzzupp?!!)
It's after midnight Wednesday night (this is nothing new) but things are progressing. My bags are 99% packed & I just had a relaxing soak in the tub. I'm making my last-minute list of things not to forget, like my eyeliner & mascara which I'll still use tomorrow & my Malaria pills. I start taking them tomorrow-one a day for a month. Cross your fingers that they don't make me schitzo. This bod is not used to taking pills-which may be a good thing cuz I never get side effects. (Thank you God for a healthy body)

I talked to another volunteer today from DC-Jennifer. We're meeting up Friday w/ my partner Sam from NC. Hooray! We'll be traveling together the whole way from DC. Jennifer & I were chatting about being nervous & reminding each other of some essentials to pack so we don't forget-like bug spray, handiwipes, permit paperwork, alarm clock & ear plugs in case a roommate snores. We're hitting it off pretty well so I've already made a friend. She'll be working w/ a women's group- widows & orphans.

My program manager, Laura, from Cross-Cultural Solutions called today to check in on me. She's so sweet-very patient, encouraging, helpful & informative. She answered some more questions & settled me down about my placement & wished me "safari njema" -have a great trip. YAY!
I asked her if there was any kind of "must see" place in town. She recommended a restaurant called "Indo-Italian" which has Indian & Italian food-(YUM!!!), plus a place called Hot Bread Bakery-something like that-with bagels & breads & stuff. Oooboy. There's also a grocer within walking distance from the home base where she said we can get shampoo & stuff. She said a lot of volunteers go there & come out w/ armfuls of Pringles!haha

I'm good to go w/ my snack supply. You never know what kind of snacks there will be in a foreign place so I stashed peanut M&Ms, granola bars, apples, Goldfish crackers & Tastycakes. Not the healthiest I know, but it'll be good for the plane rides & to share w/ my roommates. I got a stash of those ice tea to go packets to mix in water bottles too (thanks for the idea Deb!)

Well, I better get to sleep. I'll be gathering more pictures for "show & tell" tomorrow yet & cleaning out the fridge of whatever may turn fuzzy.

Kwaheri! (bye)

1 comment:

Christine David said...

I wishe you a safe and fun experience and look forward to reading all about it.