
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 2 at St. Andrew's

Wowee! First OFFICIAL day of work!
Sam & I were ready were ready w/ our lesson plans. I took Form 1 -the class I was dancing in, & he took Form 3. I wrote the alphabet on the blackboard & had them repeat after me each letter. They did a great job of sounding the letters,no problem. Then I went over the vowels, long & short sounds. I made columns for each vowel & wrote words under, like "A"-hat,bat,etc. They did fine except for "I". They pronounce I as ee. So words like hit, little,etc they say "heet", "leetle". So that needs work but minorly.

Next I had them go through Introductions. I wrote on the board, "What is your name? What is your age? Where are you from? Who do you live with? What do you like to do?" Then they paired up, asked each other the questions in English & shared w/ the whole class. It was fabulous! They need to feel more confident, stand up, speak,etc. When they did that, I wrote all their names down to practice. It went well!

What Sam & I planned went incredibly FAST! It was only after 9am! Holy cow! I had another hour to fill. I'm sure you teachers can relate! You prep plans all night & it takes 30 minutes in class! So we took a 5 minute break outside, which they all kind of hovered around me. Then we went over directions-straight, right, left. I paired them up again & asked them to write how to get to their friend's house or church,market,hospital,whatever. They didn't do that well in English but it was good practice.

Sam & I were supposed to meet Andrew, but he wasn't around. So I went back into the Form 3 class & started to play Hangman on the board w/ English words. I wrote, "I like to go to .......".
Then they had to guess the word by giving me letters. They LOVED it!!! SUCCESS!!!!! Then I asked if any of them wanted to try & about 4 of them did themselves!WOOHOO! I feel like they've made such progress in 1 day!!!!

Now I'm off to plan what the heck we're going to do tomorrow. Don't ask what in heaven's name we'll do in the next 2 weeks!!! YIKES! Any ideas???

love you all,

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