
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Frustration Sets In

Well, I read this could happen-the state of frustration.

Sunday night after we got back from the safari, I had to plan my lesson for school Monday morning. I sat outside on the patio w/ Sam (my partner who's an English teacher) & a couple other gals. I was working on the past,present & future tense of "to be". I was writing sentences w/ fill-in-the-blanks for them to write the correct verb form. Then Sam starts telling me I was using the present perfect or WHATEVER. He sometimes talks over my head w/ the Grammar lingo & I don't get it at all. I shut my book, got up & walked away. I was so upset. I don't know what the hell I'm doing! I'm NOT an English teacher! I went to my room & ended up bawling like a baby out of sheer frustration of not knowing what to do.

It's not as easy as it seems, just coming here to volunteer. I thought I'd be assisting a teacher already there, helping w/ spelling & pronunciation, etc. Instead, I have a class of 15 kids ages 13-20 & have to teach English for a good 3.5 hours every day. Try coming up w/ material to last that long! I learned my 1st day that the lesson I worked on all night only took about 1 hour to cover in class. Now what do I do??? It's amazing. Those of you who are teachers- hats off to you. BUT, you've had the training! Ü

The next week & a half seems really daunting to me. We volunteers are trying to help each other w/ ideas but it's still hard to know what to do for that length of time for another week yet!

My kids are awesome though, full of smiles & happy to see me. You should have seen them when I gave them Hershey Kisses- like it was gold. Today I gave them a little test & put a little star sticker in their book when they had all the questions correct. You would have thought I gave them a new car-they were so excited! It's so cute. When you have nothing, any little thing is amazing. This Friday I plan on showing pic of Alaska & New Mexico & maybe bringing in my frame drum. Next Friday is my last day so we'll have a "party". I'll bring in my Ipod w/ speakers, my drum & some bread w/ peanut butter.

In the meantime......I have to get to WORK!!!!
If you want, pray for me to have guidance on what to do in class for these kids.
Thanks so much!


xrecon222 said...

Hi Jes,
Sorry to hear about the tough time with the "proper" english (ooppps...forget to capitalize it!..don't shoot!) Most of us know English properly to a very acceptable degree...but don't necessarily know all the details of present perfect, past participle, etc. etc...And so, you are definitely not the exception. Don't worry about it...I am sure that just your presence alone is a great benefit to all who are around you. I also happen to know from past experience that you are an excellent teacher!!! If there is anyone who would dare disagee, please give them my phone number so I can set them straight:)

Thinking about you everyday,

Debi said...

Hey Jes, I can't keep up with you and your adventure. Love your blog.You are a wonderful writer, I feel that I am right there with you at times. Remember when you get frustrated with the teaching aspect that you are not an English teacher and all you can do is what you are doing, the best you can. And that is GREAT!!I'm so proud of you. To cheer your self up when you are down, remember the safari and the animals. You will be home before you know it. Enjoy, enjoy!! I will continue to keep you and your travel companions in my prayers. I can't wait to hear your stories and see your photos. Love, hugs and blessings. ~~ Debi

Sharon Sterner said...

Hi Jes,

Don't get down on youself -- you are doing a great job with those kids. You are so strong and enthusiastic. I could never in a millon years imagine doing what you are doing. Just remember the kids are very lucky to be able to know someone like you. You are definitely a positive role model for them, and anything you can teach them is more than what they knew before you came into their lives. Just keep your chin up and enjoy your experience. Please stay away from the elephants, and sneezing lions. Take care, be safe. See you soon.


Tom said...

Dear Jessica,

I love your African blogs - keep them coming.

You are a great teacher. Your children love you and they are anxious to learn. Your job is to teach basic English and you are succeeding.

It is not your purpose to teach complicated word structure. That is a job for future generations.

I miss you and pray for your safety and happiness.


Hali said...

Hi, Jes.
Fasinating stuff you are experiencing! Stop beating yourself up about the lessons. Sounds like it is a bit long of a class but you have an expert (English teacher) who should be able to give you some advice. Drill is good; so are little games, sort of like you would have done a spelling bee in school. How about making flashcards for the kids to pair up and practice letters or simple words with? Just go back to your elementary school roots....remember learning letters and then finding things that had names that started with that letter?
Have enjoyed reading your updates along the way; take care...and enjoy, especially knowing the fine thing you are doing!

Missy said...

Stupid English teacher!
Don't worry, as I see from all the entries you are doing just fine in the classroom!
I think that is unfair for them to expect you to know how to teach English when you are not even a teacher. That is hard to come up with material for 3 hours...yikes!
Oh a side little autistic girl, Grace, that I work
with at school, was absent guess what? I was pulled to be a substitute teacher for 5th grade! YUCK!! Someone said to me, "I'll bet you're happy for the change" I way! I would much rather be working with Grace than those crazy 5th graders! LOL!
ok...ttyl! and see you soon!

Missy said...

Stupid English teacher!
Don't worry, as I see from all the entries you are doing just fine in the classroom!
I think that is unfair for them to expect you to know how to teach English when you are not even a teacher. That is hard to come up with material for 3 hours...yikes!
Oh a side little autistic girl, Grace, that I work
with at school, was absent guess what? I was pulled to be a substitute teacher for 5th grade! YUCK!! Someone said to me, "I'll bet you're happy for the change" I way! I would much rather be working with Grace than those crazy 5th graders! LOL!
ok...ttyl! and see you soon!