
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Arrived Safely in Kilimanjaro!!

Touchdown in Tanzania! I'm at the Home Base right now. It's great! Modest, but super. We have to all share the computer, it's really slow so I will try to update as often as I can.
The flights were all super smooth! I hooked up w/ Sam & Jennifer in DC right away which was awesome. I felt so much better traveling the rest of the way w/ others. The plane we got on in DC was huge but 3/4 EMPTY! I didn't know they flew planes that were that empty! Luckily I had lots of elbow room. I felt jealous of the people who got the middle row of 3 seats all to themselves. They were able to sleep across the whole row! Food was good, all flights were on time & smooth. Couldn't have asked for better!

The best part was when we flew into Kilimanjaro. The pilot dipped us RIGHT by the SUMMIT!!! It was phenominal to see it that close, and of course I had a window seat-YAY! I took a bunch of pics but you'll have to wait til I get home to see them. One gal said it takes 10 minutes to upload 1 photo so I won't be doing that. It was spectacular though. I got tears in my eyes.

The home base is very nice- beautiful grounds-VERY green. All I did so far was take a shower & sit in the common room chatting w/ everyone else. SOme are also here arriving today & others have been here already. So it's neat to meet everyone. Dinner will be served soon. I also saw a cute gecko lizard on the porch! It poured rain about 20 minutes after I got here. Oh well. It's nice & warm without being super hot. The shower was cool, which might be good to help me wake up in the mornings early for work.

Well, I better go so I can share the computer & have someone else use it.


vicki s said...

Hi Jess...

I'm glad to know you have arrived in Kilimanjaro safely and the flight over was a smooth event. Can't wait to see photos when you have the get-together next month. This blog page is a great way for you to keep in touch with fam. & friends back home. So enjoy...what a fantastic experience for you!!
All the best,
vicki s

Anonymous said...

Glad you got there safely. This blog was a great idea.

When I was at the bank today I saw on CNN that Pres. Bush also landed in Tanzania today. Exciting! Maybe you'll have a sighting.

Oh, and remind me to slap you when you get home for the comment about being lucky to have kids to help with housework! That was the best laugh I had all week! Instead, I have 4 other people to clean up after and cook for. LOL

Love ya!

amyd said...

Hey Girl!

Sounds like you're having a great time already! I miss you and can't wait to hear more from you!


Debi said...

Hey Jes, I'm so impressed with your Blog! Got to love technology! Glad you arrived safely. Thinking about you and wishing you a wonderful adventure. Keep writing. ~~ love, Debi