
Thursday, March 13, 2008

More About the Last Day of School

The kids split up to go to their classes & I went with Andrew into his office to talk.

I'm going to back up & say that Thursday we had a feedback session at home base w/ Sara & Mama Grace. I told them I'd love to help out the school in some way after I go home. We weren't allowed to bring/give gifts so I thought it'd be better to do something once I'm at home, on my own. I said I'd love to get them English books from Tanzania but how do I do that? Was there a publisher in Tanzania? How would I send them? I'd even love to donate a new blackboard instead if that was possible. They couldn't really give me a solid answer.

So, in Andrew's office, he had talked to Sara about my wanting to donate books or something else useful. He was so happy & said he'd come w/ me across the street to Moshi Books to look at some/pick them out. I was confused cuz Sara didn't give me an answer about it. I explained to Andrew that I had to talk to Sara first to see if it was ok, how could we arrange it, etc. He offered to drive me to home base & talk to her. I said let's just call her first. He was anxious! He told me about a past volunteer who donated a computer & printer for his office & that it was ok cuz it was her own doing & not because he asked for it. So he was telling me that as long as my wanting to make a donation of books was coming from my heart & not cuz they asked for it, that it was ok. Still , I needed Sara's approval to feel that it was ok w/ CCS.

We went to Moshi Books & he picked out an English text for Form 1, Form 3 & a teacher's manual. They were all $6 each. I wondered how long it would take for them to order all that I needed for the kids. Andrew said it's a big store & they have everything. I doubted that they'd have enough though. We went back into the classes & counted how many kids. 16 in mine, 14 in Sam's plus 2 stragglers. Andrew explained that I could get 1 book for 2 students to share, even 1 book per 3 students if money was an issue. I thought in my mind- of course not! If I'm going to do this, everyone is getting their own book.

We couldn't get Sara on the phone so he did drive me to home base. She wasn't there but David was, another staff member. I explained what I wanted to do & he said as long as it was coming from my heart it was ok. He didn't want me saying that CCS 'told' me to give something, of course not. This was something I wanted to do on my own. He said that it was fine & he'd back me up. Cool!! So I grabbed my purse & checked to see how much cash I had left. I was good so Andrew drove me to a Bureau de Change, I got the shillings & we went back to school & walked over to Moshi Books.

It was incredible!!! I was getting the books TODAY! I said how many I wanted & next thing you know, the women are coming from the back of the store w/ the stacks of books in their arms. They had them ALL!!!! I couldn't believe it! No waiting- I could physically give the kids the new books right away before I left!!!! All the books (33) came out to be around $150. In the grand scheme of things, it's a drop in the bucket. To know how they would be used & how desperately they needed them, it was no question in my mind that it was right.

So with weighted bags, we walked over to school to Andrew's office. He wanted to stamp each book w/ the school emblem. When we got to his office, he just grabbed me by the shoulders & absolutely beamed from ear to ear. He hugged me on both sides & kissed me on both cheeks & kept thanking me over & over. I was elated to be able to pull this off in 1 day!! Especially before I left! We were both giddy with excitement. He used my camera & got some shots of me stamping the books & I got him too-he looks SOOO happy. It was phenominal.

We were bursting at the seams with excitement to give the kids the books. Oh, by the way, I had planned to review my lessons w/ the kids, play my frame drum for them, etc but this took all day! I didn't get to do anything w/ my kids. One of the other teachers was with them the whole morning so they weren't alone. They just covered other stuff while I was out & about. They had no idea where I was or what was going on.heehee!

So I came into my class w/ the Form 1 books stacked in my arms. They all got wide eyed with excitement & started cheering! Andrew explained to them that they were to keep the books safe, in good condition & sign them out. They were to leave them at school & pick them up in the morning. We didn't want them writing in the books so that the next year students could use them, & the next & the next. Andrew took a bunch of pics when I passed them out to the kids. It was the greatest!Next, we went to Sam's Form 3 class & we had Sam pass them out & took more pics.

It was the greatest day ever. So amazing. Bittersweet with leaving & missing them, but incredibly moving to be able to do something so simple & easy to help sustain the school for the future.

At the beginning of my trip, we had written 3 personal goals during orientation. I didn't feel that I totally accomplished my last goal of passing on the blessings that have been given to me so that others could be helped. Until my last day. It all came full circle & I felt a great sense of inner knowing & satisfaction that I had done what I felt I needed to do. I tried my best, felt the struggles, S T R E T C H E D myself, jumped & cheered for my kids when they "got" the lessons, felt so proud when they thought creatively for themselves & fell in love w/ all of them in 3 short weeks. My heart truly grew 10x. Doing this program was one of the best things I've ever done.

PS- the kids all got some more Hershey Kisses thrown at them when I left. ;)

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