
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Last Day at School- :(

Hi gang,
Most of you know that I'm home safe & sound now. I didn't have an opportunity to get to a computer during my last 2 days so I haven't been able to catch up with what happened. So I'll try to remember everything!

My last day, Friday, started out on a sad note. I was all bummed & emotional Thursday night too. At breakfast Friday morning, Sara (our staff member) told me & Sam that our head master, Andrew, has not been in to school lately because his wife had to give birth to a stillborn baby. Dear Lord. I started crying & Sam was also in disbelief. Andrew has a bad leg & walks with a profound limp so we both thought, how much can one man go through? It's not fair. We were so upset. Then Sara told me that Andrew was coming in to school to say goodbye to me. I said, "Oh no! You call him & tell him to stay home w/ his wife! That's more important. He does not have to come in just for me". She called him but he had already left.

We ge to school & one of the boys grabbed my arm & said, "Teecha, you sit with us for prayers today". Cool! We always sat in the study room when they did that so I was thrilled to see them singing & stuff. I sat amongst the kids & Sam sat in too. It was so nice. They sing like they mean it! Stanley (teacher) read from the bible about ask & you shall receive, seek & you will find, etc. Andrew came in then & Stanley asked him to say something. He briefly told the kids he was sorry for not being around but things at home were hard but he trusts God & thanks God that his wife is home & ok (didn't mention the baby). Then Andrew started talking to me in front of everyone saying such wonderful things about me being there-thanking me for everything I've done, that the kids enjoyed me so much, etc,etc. Of course the waterworks started flowing!!!!
Then he asked the kids if anyone wanted to say anything. Emmanuel stood up, looked at me & said the most wonderful things! I can't say word for word, but it was all so moving to me. It was so incredibly sweet!! I'm crying some more...and they sang me a song! It was about "our time being too short"-ohhhhh boy. Then Andrew asked me if I'd say something to the class. Oh boy!I was a mess!
So I got up in front of everyone & couldn't speak for about 30 seconds. I just looked at their faces & knew I'd never see them again & how amazing they are & how much they've impacted my life. I squeaked out how I came there & didn't know what to expect, that they were such great kids who have touched my heart so deeply & I love them all. It was SO hard!!!!

I wasn't expecting all of that at all! It was SO special. Everything they said, such wonderful heart has truly grown 10x.

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