
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Bernese Mountain Dogs in Bern, Switzerland!

Sat, Aug 22nd 2015
 I want to repeat myself, OH WHAT A DAY!

 Today, we went on a bus trip to Montreux. It's about 1 1/2 hrs away from Bern. Giancarlo is our driver for the whole week. It was exciting to see the scenery change from city to country & see farms, fields & mountains. As we got in to Montreux- Holy Hanna! It's a town right on the edge of Lake Geneva- oh my word. It's breathtaking! There is a huge, steep mountain to the left & the lake to the right. A huge mountain range is across the lake & it's France! The town looked so amazing. We drove through it first to get to the castle, "Chateau de Chillon" 1 1/2 miles up the road. Oh my word- was it incredible!! It's just stunning. So old & right at the water's edge. We had a woman guide us through, tell the history & explain the rooms. The origins go back to the 11th century! It was so beautiful...all the stone! I bought a neat sketch picture to frame later.

We went back into Montreux for 1 1/2 hours & for lunch. It was so incredibly beautiful! Reminded me of the French Riviera. In fact, a lot of the employees spoke French. I spent an hour just walking along the path by the water & took a gazillion pics. There were ducks, some swans, people sunbathing, kids playing, dogs walking, couples holding hands, beautiful plants & flowers. Just gorgeous! Then there's the Freddie Mercury statue! I read that in a tour book. He went to Montreux to get away as his 2nd home & died there. I got some pesto pasta at the Migros grocery store & ate that by the water & people watched.  Then I got some incredible hazelnut ice cream, YUMMO! There was a stage nearby & a band was setting up but I couldn't quite see. I heard drums being played-but just one being hit repeatedly over & over. I thought, "Is some kid messing around on the drumset? Good Lord they need to step aside & let me at it!" Here, it was the band doing a sound check, haha.

We all met at the train station to take an hour & a 1/2 ride on the Golden Pass train to Gstaad. Man, oh man, I can hardly describe the majestic beauty of the landscape & buildings along the way. We were all oohing & aahing every minute! "Oh look at that! Take a picture! Did you get it?" as we wizzed by. Leaving Montreux, we side-winded up the mountain like a serpentine. Higher & higher- the view got more & more impressive. The train made multiple stops along the way. Some seemed blank, like there was nothing there except the train station & mountains. Other stops looked well populated with lots of glorious looking chalets with the flowering window boxes. We saw a lot of  people get on & off with walking poles & backpacks.

We got off in Gstaad for an hour. This is a famous ski resort town & extremely rich. We all walked around but I don't think anyone bought anything. Too rich for my taste! But the buildings were spectacular. They were the famous chateau/chalet style- wood with flower boxes at the windows. Simply gorgeous!

Giancarlo met us there & we rode the bus back to Bern. We were all pretty quiet & sleepy. We got back at 7pm & several of us went to dinner. We walked to the open square market & ate outside at a fancy Italian restaurant. I got a yummy thin crust pizza with salami & gorgonzola. When what do my wondering eyes see- 2 BERNERS!!!!!!!

I scrambled for my camera & went running over to a couple walking them. They must have thought I was crazy. But I was bummed that I hadn't seen ANY so far & I'm in BERN for crying out loud! It was AWESOME. One was 4 1/2 months old, the other was 1 1/2 years old. The puppy kept coming to me & I got to love on it. Of course, I told the people I have 3 & showed them my tattoos. They asked if I knew a particular woman from CA (nope). But I was thrilled to death to see them & take a picture! I said to the others, "I can go home now, my trip is complete". I'd HATE to have to leave Bern without seeing at least 1 Berner! YAY! Dream come true. <3
Tonight there was a big stage set up by the Parliament Building in the open square. A symphony orchestra was playing! Tons of people were out. I watched for a little while. I'd love to have stayed but I gotta get to bed! Exciting adventures tomorrow!

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